Monday, January 21, 2013

Green Hair Challenge: Life with no shampoo

So what does my hair mean to me? It used to be pretty much a source of self confident. I never actually cared about the length of my hair until I met my ex-boyfriend. In fact, I have always prefer short hair because I think it shows my personality. Ever since I had met my ex-boyfriend, I decided to let my hair grow out. My hair was extremely long and beautiful for the 3 years that we were dating, until I decided to cut it in a short bob, then a pixie after a rough breakup with him.

Many may think that having a pixie haircut may be the easiest hair style to manage. SO WRONG! My hair would go crazy in the morning because of the way that I sleep, which led me to wash my hair at least twice a day (even 3,4 times in summer) to keep it looking nice.

Fast forward, not only my heart had been through a war, my hair too but just a war with all the chemicals in shampoos. Now my hair gets extremely greasy within a few hours after a wash and it's driving me crazy. So I decided to take on this green hair challenge, hoping that my hair will be less greasy and healthier.

I don't think I can ever go completely without shampoo, so my goal is really to cut down on the shampooing and using substitutes, such as watering washing, conditioner washing, dry shampoo, etc,  as alternatives.

  • Day 1: Washed hair once with conditioner
    • Not too bad; hair is very soft after the wash
  •  Day 2: Washed hair once with conditioner
    • Specially spent extra time in massaging scalp to make sure hair is clean; did not notice any excessive oil building
  • Day 3: Washed hair once with conditioner, and followed by dry shampoo
    • Oil is starting to build up noticeably ever after washing and drying hair, so I had to apply dry shampoo to get rid of the excessive oil (especially my bang) so I didn't look ridiculous when I headed out
  • Day 4: Washed hair once with shampoo in the morning
    • Since it's a work day, so I decided to wash my hair with shampoo in the morning; I wonder how long will it take for my hair's health to return..?

Will continue to update my progress and outcome!